Modern Planner

Save Your Time

Join this FREE, 5—day email course and free your time.

Discover the 5 mindset shifts that might be killing your productivity and wasting your time.

Join me on the journey to being in control of our schedules, feeling on top of things, and ultimately saving valuable time.


My productivity course, Save Your Time, highlights five of the most important mindset shifts we can make that will bring more freedom and focus to our schedule.

So, if you feel overwhelmed, struggle balancing work and home life, and the word busy is one you’re using a lot right now, then you aren’t going to want to miss these powerful lessons. 


Hi, I’m Kathryn of Modern Planner, and I would be thrilled to support you on the journey of owning your time and schedule again. 

Maybe you hear yourself saying these as well. Phrases like “I need more time”, “I am too busy”, “I have to do everything”, “I must do it all now”, and “I don't have time”.

I’ll be breaking down these common phrases, and giving you something to replace it with so you can start feeling more free and clear about how to use your time and energy well. 

Over 300 people have completed this course, and here’s what they say:

“Followed the advice in the course, told a few people no, and found 10 extra hours this week. Wow!” — Quiana
“Short, personal, life–changing!

I'm now aware of all the excuse phrases I've been using. I am being much more intentional about my schedule because of this course.”— Rachel
“This is the best course I have seen, and I have researched many coaches trying to get myself organized, motivated, focused, and feeling equipped to achieve my goals.

Kathryn is gentle and realistic in her approach to supporting the day to day challenges that life can throw at you, yet leaves you feeling confident despite them to accomplish your goals anyway.

I no longer feel overwhelmed.” — Tamara
“A thought–provoking course that made me more mindful of how I use my time and how, by better managing myself, I have more control over many aspects of my life and work.” — Mallory
I love Kathryn's teaching style. She is straight to the point, but also describes things in a way that the average person can grasp. Such small shifts can change so much!— Paige



Video Lesson 1: Taking Responsibility
Video Lesson 2: Purposeful Choices
Video Lesson 3: What Really Matters
Video Lesson 4: Letting Go
Video Lesson 5: Prioritizing Life



1. Five simple lessons, delivered to your inbox over one week, to help you conquer the mindsets wasting your time.

2.Less than 10 mins per lesson, they are simple to complete, and each includes an accompanying short video lesson.

3. Timely advice. I want to make sure you are successful in business and life. Though my time is mainly reserved for the clients I have a coaching relationship with, I am delighted to extend support, answer questions, and give suggestions for your specific situation by email. Only available to participants in the Save Your Time email course.

You'll also be added to the Modern Planner mailing list, where I share advice, tips, and other exciting updates to help you on your journey towards building an intentional business and life.


Your Planning Partner

Kathryn Hofer is passionate about helping others live an intentional life. With over a decade of experience executing live events, organizing teams and projects, and running a non-profit, she has focused her attention on educating others about the value of planning.

When she’s not planning or singing, you can find her curled up with a good book, a cup of tea and dark chocolate. Kathryn lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and their daughter.
